水电 has long been part of her life – ever since she visited her father at work in 尼泊尔 when she was a child. 几十年后, 她自己也成为了挪威的一名水电工程师, 她的专业领域是水坝.



You could say the wheel has come full circle for Abha Dudhraj from 尼泊尔. 当Statkraft帮助尼泊尔建设水电项目时, 她的父亲是一名水电工程师, 在大坝项目上与Statkraft合作. 晚些时候, he took a PhD at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, 并把他的家人带到了挪威. 一家人离开后,阿卜哈留在特隆赫姆学习.

“没有家人的第一年很有挑战性, 但多亏了新老朋友的帮助,我挺过来了,31岁的她说.

Abha cannot help but feel impressed when she thinks back to those hydropower projects in 尼泊尔.

“尼泊尔 has a huge hydropower potential, but they have a long way to go. Khimti电厂 是尼泊尔最早的大型水电项目之一吗, and Statkraft helped with both hydropower production and competence development,她说。.


“我真的不想和水电打交道, 因为我爸爸就是这么做的,阿卜哈苦笑着说.

A young Abha would have preferred to be something else, like a doctor or a civil engineer. 她解释说,她总是倾向于实际. 最终, 然而, she took summer jobs at various power plants and saw the forces at play, 建造大坝需要什么, 所有这些知识!


“它们很漂亮,形成了巨大的水镜. I think it’s amazing to see what water can do, and – not least – what is required to build a dam. 每一座大坝都是独一无二的, because you are building it to the conditions prevailing in just that spot. 这是令人兴奋的.”

“我很早就知道水电是什么,水坝是如何运作的. 不是每个小孩都知道那种事!”


The very first dams and water reservoirs in 挪威 were built in connection with flour mills, sawmills and ironworks – long before it was possible to produce electricity. 它们通常是为了方便原木运输而建造的, the process of floating felled timber downstream using the river current.

这些挡土坝是用石头或木头建造的. 20世纪初,水电项目开始建设, 混凝土建筑变得更加普遍.

“不再建造石坝. 总的来说, 十大靠谱网赌有混凝土和土坝,阿布哈说。, before launching into a long and technical description of different types of dam. 阿卜哈完全适应了她的环境.

有超过4个,000座大坝在挪威, often built in connection with hydropower plants for the production of electricity. 与风能和太阳能发电设施不同, water can be stored and hydropower plants can be regulated to produce more or less power as required. 水库也 用来防止洪水. 如果有必要的话, they can be drained and regulated to make room for water from melting snow or heavy rainfall.

“水电 is important for 挪威, and many dams have been constructed over the years. At Tofte, where I’m currently working, the dams are over 100 years old. 这些石坝是用马车手工建造的. 这是一个令人着迷的想法.”


The three dams on the Tofte river at Hurum in Asker Municipality in Viken County form a small part of a vast legacy which must be looked after and maintained. Abha’s task is to coordinate the work needed to give the old dams at Tofte a new lease of life. Three stone dams are being upgraded to meet today’s regulatory requirements. 

她的小狗诺瓦藏在桌子底下, Abha展示了先进的3D模型, 加强建设.

“We will encase these stone dams in concrete on both sides to make them more robust and meet today’s stability requirements,她说。.

An important aspect of the refurbishment is to protect the local environment. The upgrading of the dams requires certain interventions in nature.

“That’s why we are concerned to preserve the environment and do what we can to 把大自然恢复到它原来的状态 阿卜哈指出,建筑工程已经开始.

“托, 十大靠谱网赌已经除去了表土,当工作完成后, we will put it back so that it is as close as possible to how it was before. The objective is to restore nature to its original condition as quickly as possible. 自然恢复的速度取决于海拔和植被. The higher the altitude, the longer it takes for nature to grow back.”

At Tofte, which is less than 200 m above sea level, it will grow back after one or two years. 最终,你看到的唯一变化就是大坝本身.

Abha和她的团队还建造了一座围堰, which will protect fish stocks and biological life in the reservoir.

地点:Tofte, Asker直辖市,Viken县
图片来源:Silva Green Fuel/Statkraft

Silva Green Fuel's demonstration plant for the production of advanced biofuel was completed at Tofte in December 2021. The plant has been built to verify the technology before deciding on further commercial investment.


The dams at Tofte have historically been used to provide cooling water for cellulose production. In 2013, the cellulose business was shut down after 120 years of operation, 托夫特的大工厂也被拆除了.

今天, the plan is to use the water as cooling in the production of biofuel at the old industrial site at Tofte, 席尔瓦绿色燃料公司的项目经理Per Floberg解释道.

The company, owned 51% by Statkraft and 49% by Södra, was established in 2015 to 生产先进生物燃料 可以减少二氧化碳2 交通运输部门的排放.

更多关于Silva Green Fuel的信息(仅挪威语)


托夫特的席尔瓦绿色燃料公司, 挪威, uses residual raw material from the forestry 行业 and wood processing business to 生产先进生物燃料 that can replace fossil diesel and become an important part of the green shift.


The project manager for the upgrading of the Tofte dams says she loves her job.

“Constantly meeting new people has helped me develop as a person. 同时, I get to sharpen my professional expertise because each dam project is unique and has its own special challenges,Abha Dudhraj说.

“What’s important for me is that I’m helping to create a more sustainable society,她说。, 在透露自己的梦想项目之前:

“It would be exciting to take part in the construction of a hydropower scheme in 尼泊尔 one fine day!”
